Hi, there!

My name is Aibol, and I am passionate about FrontEnd, JavaScript and especially ReactJS. I write about things those seem interesting to me, so I hope you can get some useful stuff for yourself!

My thoughts on learning Web in 2021

Hello, people! You probably already saw or read one of those articles like "Web developer roadmap in 2021", "How to become a web developer", etc. So, I also wanted to share my perspective on this topic that might be useful to some people who are at…

Creating Toast API with React Hooks

In this blog post we will be gradually creating fully working Toast API and we will use advantages of React Hooks to create nicer hooks-supported interface. Full working example is available here.

Git commit messages

I managed to write this post long time ago, but just now I found some time to write it. I want to cover the thing that every active developer faces everyday probably multiple times from 1 to 10, 20, 30 times a day. So I will talk about Git commit…

Whom to follow to stay up to date in JS and FrontEnd world

Hi, developer folks. In this post I want to share whom I follow and admire in tech world to stay up to date with all tendencies and other cool stuffs they share. Since I am mostly JavaScript/FrontEnd developer, this list will contain people mostly…

Create your own virtual DOM to understand it (Part 2)

This article is the continuation of first part(so you better read first part too :), where we learnt how to create virtual nodes with JSX-like function hyperscript and render them. In this part we will implement “diffing” algorithm of virtual DOM…

Create your own virtual DOM to understand it (Part 1)

In this article I want to recap my experience creating own “virtual DOM”. Sounds too ambitiously? Probably, but it is not that complicated as you might think. As the title states, it will make sense when you create your own, rather than reading…

My Programming Experience

Hi, there! I will begin with explaining how I started my way in programming. In the far 2008th, I entered to Kazakh-Turkish High School for gifted students. All Kazakh-Turkish Schools in our country make a big emphasis on subject Olympiads. Our…

How To Create Chrome Extension In 5 Minutes

First of all, what is a Chrome Extension? Let’s look what Wikipedia says about it. Google Chrome Extensions are browser extensions that modify the Google Chrome browser. These extensions are written using web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and…

First Hackathon In Our Alma Mater

Last week, My Alma Mater handled first Hackathon for 2nd and 3rd year students of Information Systems department. That was first experience making Hackathon in our university, and I gotta say, it was cool. I don't know whose idea it was, but I think…

How I Handled My Own Android Course

About two weeks ago I started my own Android Course called "Learndroid". How did everything begin? First of all, everything began from Moneymaker's course, which was held in our University. The purpose of that course is to start a business from zero…

Udacity Android course. Recap

How’s it going? I was going to write this post last two months, but today is the day I have time and intention to write this post. About two months ago, when I was on my winter holidays, I passed a course on Udacity, called Developing Android Apps…

Where from to get Traffic

Hi, there! About a month ago, one man came to our University and started handling one course called “Moneymaking”(thanks to our Head of Information Systems Department - Mr. Meirambek Zhaparov). This man really knows how to make money, and he is…

How We CopyPasted Self-Driving(RC) Car

About a month a ago, one university in our city organized event called “Machine Learning Challenge(MLC)”. Our teacher on the Machine Learning course, encouraged us(me and my friends) to take part in this Challenge. He also suggested us to implement…


Hi, there! Today, I am starting this blog and will write here frequently, as I can. I hope anyone, who visits my site will get some useful information for him/herself. The platform I am using called Jekyll. You can read more about Jekyll here. The…

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