How I Handled My Own Android Course
About two weeks ago I started my own Android Course called "Learndroid".
How did everything begin?
First of all, everything began from Moneymaker's course, which was held in our University. The purpose of that course is to start a business from zero. Our mentor said us to choose a niche. I thought about making sushi, selling roses, selling unique notebooks, and stopped on Handling Android Courses. I also had some competitor, who was handling Web and iOS Courses, but we did not intersect too much.
Then, I started promoting my course: created account on instagram, made an advertisement on University's bulletin board. Here is my page now:

I was planning to start course on 10th of March, and by that time I had 3 students. I said "Okay, anyway, it is hypothesis test", and started my course. On 3rd day of the course, 5 more students joined, but 2 of them left. And I had 6 students at that time.
I took the course design from Udacity's course - Developing Android Apps. And here is the Mistake #1 - the course was a bit hard for beginners, I tried to modify it, take off some topics, so that it would fit their level. The level of this course is Intermediate, I should take for Beginners. Mistake #2 was that I did not write Prerequisites.
Anyway, last day of the course I made a longer lesson, I finished course, made some conclusions, gave some directions to the future, made consultation about their projects. Although I had some mistakes carrying course, in my opinion, I could give value to my students for the offered price.
I created Google Form, so that they could give some feedback. That form says they liked course and they have something to learn from course, and the price is quite good. Besides, I was writing notes and kinda analyzing everything.
By the end, I felt satisfied. I am thinking about changing course format and other things. Even if I liked what I did, it is not okay for me to spend two hours a day. If took look from Moneymaker's prospective, it is not very good business. I mean, the way I did. It should have scalability. Actually, it does. But this plan shifts for some time, because I have other projects and work to do.